Thesis Genius is a professional consultancy service that provides expert help consultation to students who are struggling with their thesis projects. The service is designed to help students at all levels, from undergraduate to PhD, who need guidance and support in completing their thesis.

The consultancy services offered by Thesis Genius include a range of different options to suit the needs and budgets of individual students. These services may include:

  1. Thesis editing and proofreading: This service is designed to help students improve the clarity, coherence, and overall quality of their thesis. Professional editors review the content, structure, and style of the thesis, making suggestions and corrections to improve the writing.
  2. Thesis formatting: This service ensures that the thesis meets the specific formatting requirements of the institution or department, including the citation and referencing styles.
  3. Thesis coaching and mentoring: This service provides one-on-one coaching and mentoring to students, helping them to develop and refine their research questions, writing style, and thesis structure.
  4. Thesis research assistance: This service provides students with expert guidance on research methodology, data analysis, and research design, helping them to develop effective research strategies and techniques.
  5. Thesis proposal writing: This service provides students with expert help in writing and developing their thesis proposals, including outlining the research question, objectives, methodology, and literature review.

Overall, Thesis Genius offers a comprehensive range of consultancy services designed to help students achieve their thesis goals. Whether you need help with editing, formatting, research, or writing, the team at Thesis Genius can provide expert guidance and support to help you succeed in your academic endeavors.

By Bung Dodi

Halo sobat akademik, saya Bung Dodi. Saya adalah seorang "Ghostwriter" yang berfokus pada bidang penulisan skripsi, tesis dan pengolahan data. Dimulai sejak tahun 2007 hingga sekarang masih berlanjut, berdomisili di Panam - Kota Pekanbaru. Saya memiliki pengalaman yang cukup lama di bidang ini dan telah melayani banyak klien dengan baik. Saya selalu berusaha memberikan hasil terbaik bagi setiap klien yang menggunakan jasa saya. Selain itu, saya juga senang mempelajari hal-hal baru dan terus meningkatkan keterampilan saya dalam bidang yang saya tekuni. Saya percaya bahwa dengan selalu belajar dan mengembangkan diri, saya dapat memberikan pelayanan yang lebih baik lagi bagi klien-klien saya di masa depan. Selain usaha jasa yang saya jalankan, saya juga memiliki hobi menulis dan membaca. Saya sering menulis artikel dan opini di blog pribadi saya (thesisgenius) dan aktif dalam komunitas penulis di Lembaga Kajian Indonesia. Demikianlah sedikit gambaran mengenai diri saya. Jika ada yang ingin bertanya lebih lanjut atau menggunakan jasa yang saya tawarkan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi saya. Terima kasih telah memberikan kesempatan kepada saya untuk memperkenalkan diri.

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